Casual Day
Every first Friday in September is Casual Day and our school participates by selling Casual Day stickers. Our school receives 40% of the total amount generated by our sticker sales.
We are always grateful for any new companies, organisations or individuals who are willing to help sell stickers on behalf of our school.
Golf Day
Our prestigious golf day is held every second year in October. This is a well established annual event in the school that has grown and has become a very popular event thanks to our wonderful patrons and sponsors.
Building Tomorrow
Building Tomorrow is a school-to-work transition support service, offered to learners who participated in the pre-vocational training programme while in school. Occupational Therapists act as job coaches to assist learners in planning a transition path, and preparing them for employment through in-service training in the open labour market.
The training process is highly individualized, meeting each learner on his/her level of need and area of interest as far as possible.
Training takes place during school hours. Learners sign on at school and travel to work with school transport. At work, an experienced co-worker acts as their buddy, teaching them the ropes. The job coach does on-site visits to address specific needs and goals.
Winter Ball
Our annual Winter Ball was originally intended to be a function held to thank the sponsors of our school. It has gradually developed into an essential fundraising event.
The décor and cuisine are of highest quality and is usually held on the first Saturday in June at Utopia Place in Lynnwood Road, Pretoria.
Each ball has a different theme and the evening takes the form of a dinner/dance with some entertainment and fundraising activities and art produced by our learners is on sale.
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